
Life for an Aussie chick in North West Cambodia. Local work in sports, education and development.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thai Trade

Coming across the phrase "to buy through exchange" last week led to an interesting chat with my tutor about the use of bartering in Cambodia. On Saturday, I was surprised to read that Thailand seems to favour this kind of trade too.

In the weekend Cambodia Daily there was an article about an exhibition in Singapore for military equipment. The article stated that Thailand was in the market for 12-18 jetfighters but preferred to pay with a combination of money, frozen chickens, shrimp and other agricultural products. How many frozen chooks for a fighter plane I wonder?!


  • At 12:51 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    At least you write about exchange. I have the image of the frozen chooks hanging from the fighter plain on icicle threads, and perhaps falling as missiles when the ice melts.

  • At 3:58 pm , Blogger pip said... even stranger picture than I had when reading this news item! Well done = )


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