Sharon's Story
My friend Sharon sent me this email recently. Blogged here with her permission:
Sometimes God puts you in the right place at the right time.
My morning walkI went for a walk around at Shelly Beach yesterday. I usually like to startat the Styne and walk to Shelly. This time I did something different; Idecided to drive up as close as I could to the car park at the top at ShellyBeach. I went for my walk and came back up through the car park. I had kindahad enough of walking but for a strange reason I walked the long way aroundthe car park. I looked up at the cliff to my amazement I saw a girl danglingher feet of the edge of the side of the cliff, so close to the edge if sheslipped she would fall. She edged her way to as far as she could to the edgeand then moved back again.
Two girls that had been walking there dogs were watching her and wonderingwhat to do. I asked them "Do you think she is ok? do you know what is goingon?" They said no we don't have a phone to call someone to help her. Theythought she might jump off the 200m-300m cliff. My car being parked just upthe road I ran to get my phone that was in the car.
I wondered if the Police was the best thing for this girl in the long-termhelp? Someone walking by went up to talk to her. I was hoping someone would,as I wasn't really sure what I would say. She needed help right now, so she would not kill herself.The Police came quite quickly with in 5-10mins.
They sent up, a plain clothes Police officer to talk to her. The uniformed Police chatted to us and watched to see what happen. The girl must have seenus watching her and saw the police car and ran back into the bush. The Police found her and brought her down. She looked quite stressed.
By the end of it we had about 8-10 Police officers there and one ambulance.I think two Police Officers and the ambulance would have been wellenough. Did they have nothing else better to do?
I chatted to one of the Police officers and he said this happens every nowand then. I thought it is pretty sad that they have got to this state.
I have been thinking, what I would have said if I was talking to the girl andtrying to get her to move away from the edge.
Sometimes God puts you in the right place at the right time.
My morning walkI went for a walk around at Shelly Beach yesterday. I usually like to startat the Styne and walk to Shelly. This time I did something different; Idecided to drive up as close as I could to the car park at the top at ShellyBeach. I went for my walk and came back up through the car park. I had kindahad enough of walking but for a strange reason I walked the long way aroundthe car park. I looked up at the cliff to my amazement I saw a girl danglingher feet of the edge of the side of the cliff, so close to the edge if sheslipped she would fall. She edged her way to as far as she could to the edgeand then moved back again.
Two girls that had been walking there dogs were watching her and wonderingwhat to do. I asked them "Do you think she is ok? do you know what is goingon?" They said no we don't have a phone to call someone to help her. Theythought she might jump off the 200m-300m cliff. My car being parked just upthe road I ran to get my phone that was in the car.
I wondered if the Police was the best thing for this girl in the long-termhelp? Someone walking by went up to talk to her. I was hoping someone would,as I wasn't really sure what I would say. She needed help right now, so she would not kill herself.The Police came quite quickly with in 5-10mins.
They sent up, a plain clothes Police officer to talk to her. The uniformed Police chatted to us and watched to see what happen. The girl must have seenus watching her and saw the police car and ran back into the bush. The Police found her and brought her down. She looked quite stressed.
By the end of it we had about 8-10 Police officers there and one ambulance.I think two Police Officers and the ambulance would have been wellenough. Did they have nothing else better to do?
I chatted to one of the Police officers and he said this happens every nowand then. I thought it is pretty sad that they have got to this state.
I have been thinking, what I would have said if I was talking to the girl andtrying to get her to move away from the edge.
At 12:48 pm ,
Anonymous said...
I'm so glad your friend was there to call the police. That's what you're doing there, Pip, you're bringing the message of hope to millions who might have no idea of what to do except jump. Keep up the language study and thank God for the opportunities you'll have to help the despairing,
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